Welcome to my nerdy world of costuming

In this blog I will, to some extent, document costumes I make and describe how I did the different things.

I will post some pics and info around my stormtrooper armor, which I finished in the fall of '08. But most importantly show how I'm coming along with my current project, which is the ESB version of Boba Fett.

Enjoy your stay!

The pack is almost done!

Here's where I'm at right now. Everything is painted except for one of the thruster, since I had to glue it back together after dropping it, and a couple og the parts on the underside of the pack (yellow bottoms on the two cylinders and the greeblie-kit in the center). I also have to make a fundtioning LED for the beacon and the hooks for the harness.

On to the pics:

The pack:

Pack 1


Pack underside

Metal ring on the rocket:

Metal ring

Handpainted stuff:

Spine details

Rocket top:

Rocket top

Rocket body:

Rocket body

Weathering details:

Piano keys

Rusted stabilizer:


Rusted beacon:



Thruster 2

Rust, wear and tear:

Rust details 1

Hope you like it!