Welcome to my nerdy world of costuming

In this blog I will, to some extent, document costumes I make and describe how I did the different things.

I will post some pics and info around my stormtrooper armor, which I finished in the fall of '08. But most importantly show how I'm coming along with my current project, which is the ESB version of Boba Fett.

Enjoy your stay!

I did another testrun with the jumpuit and flakvest as well. It suddenly dawned on me....my armorpieces are too small!!

test 3

So, I'm going to try to get a set of FP to replace these armor pieces ASAP.

I recently bought myself a new airbrush set!!

Check it!

Evolution airbrush


And here's the first results I've gotten with it (these pieces are not done yet):

Painted 1

I've exclusively painted with Vallejo Model Air paint.

It's been a while since I updated the blog last, but there's been some progress to share at least!

After testfitting the armor, I made some trades and bought som stuff as well. I traded my ROTJ braids for a harness for the jetpack and a girthbelt (the latter seen in the photo below):

Kit so far flash

I also acquired a set of JW Fett boots and ESB gloves from batninja over at TDH:

Gloves back

Boots front

So, there you have the new stuff I have gotten since the last update.